Thursday, October 11, 2018

Testimonies October 2018

We have one of the greatest outreach program in Kono in the North part of Sierra Leone, which was well attended with the population of above 700 people. Majority of them do not believe in God,But in traditional religion and Islam ,for us to put this program in place there were a lot of challenges, churches had to help us with food.

We thank God that many were won to the Lord Jesus Christ.

First testimony, is that the few churches that are there, were not united .but the visit of our team live a peaceful relationship among the churches, we thank God.

Also in Africa witches are difficult to confess but during our praise and worship their was a strong power of the Holy spirit that brings conviction for then to come boldly to say they are practicing witchcraft. We pray for then and turn then to the churches, they were 15 in numbers

1. A lady who has a slowing leg for the pass one year during our prayer within two days she got well by the application of the anointing oil.

2. Our Lord Jesus is still in the business of healing people with bleeding issues. A young woman at the age of 32 years was suffering from bleeding for over a weeks, she came to the crusade meeting and she got her healing. she thank the Lord Jesus Christ for her healing, many pounds of blood had come out from her for the pass two weeks, which had made her pail and lost wealth , also she and her family has spend a lot of money on her sickness. What happy was this, she never believe in Jesus before , on that night she was jumping and shouting the name Jesus my healer oooooooo others who never believe in Jesus was in the river of faith, an uncontrollably healing power moves in the crowd

3. Six years old boy got heal in our meeting. Who was having a slowing stomach for the pass four months, they had carry this boy to all the herbalist and hospital around their home town, but there was no way for him to be heal, one of our team member gave him anointing oil to drink,few minutes later he vomited black water, when it was texted by medical people, they discover that it was poison that was coming out of him .for this reason the family gave a piece of land to build the house of God.

4. The biting of testy file has left many people in and around the villages, with many slowing feet's, because of the poverty rate in this area was so high that cause them not to go to the hospital for treatment, they were just thinking that they will remain in that condition till the end of their lives. But the Lord Jesus say no to their death, that was why we were sent there, seven of then who were not able to work received their healing two days during the program they started running and shouting the name of Jesus for his healing power.

5. Many young and old people received the Lord Jesus Christ. This was the most interested part of the program, Families were disowning their Family members, because they have come to the Lord Jesus saving knowledge.

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Rogbangba Testimonies


The gospel crusade that took place at the Rogbangba community. This are area has about 700 hundred thousand people living there. This area is predominantly Muslim and It had been a “no go” area for preachers. Thank God for Living for Jesus and the Resurrection Faith Assembly Team, who has braked the bound.

There are many testimonies but these are but a few:

1.    More than 100 Muslim brothers and sisters come to Jesus each night. Many were baptize by immersion.

2.    There was a lady who has pain in her body, she said this had been on her for the pass 10 days, all medical treatment had been done, but there was no healing. This lady got her healing and the pain she was going through stopped. She and her family were praising God for her divine healing.

3.    A lady at the age of 40 years was paralyzed by Africa cham. She said one morning she was going out of her house and she stepped on something. She can’t tell what was it but from that day on she was not able to move for six mouths. By the message and the trust she got in Jesus on the second day of her visit to the crusade she was able to walk. There was a great joy by people who know this woman.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

School For the Ebola Survival

Though Ebola is becoming lesser in Sierra Leone, it has been putting many children to stigmatization because some were fall victims and some has lost their parents. So as a Ministry, we setup an educational system for them by opening a free school for them, since schools are re-opened. Voluntarily, teachers are teaching in the school as you can see on the photos, but since we are religious people, we are praying to God for help so that we can be assisting them, that they will also take care of their family and also for school materials. We pray that God will open doors.

Emmanuel Lahai.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Ebola Victims

Living for Jesus Sierra Leone has created an avenue for Ebola victims, especially children who have lost their parents. We want to start free schooling for them. We are praying to God for finances for the payment of teachers and school materials. Again we have already started a Bible school to train more men in His power for places where we have our evangelism campaign where there are no churches.

Here are some latest testimonies from our prayer meetings

1. Sister Banacy: She was a stroke patient rejected by the chines
doctors, because of her conditions, she was also three months

She was brought to our assembly for prayers and she received her
health during the prayer summit. During her expectancy to deliver,
doctors and nurses said that she will only delivered by Caesar
operation, and the day of her pain to delivered she called on Pastors
from our assembly, where prayer was made and she delivered at home
safely a baby boy, glory be to God.

2. Sister Hawanatu Koroma: She was pregnant for three years. she went
to the chines doctors and she was declared a fibroid patient where she
spent over $1000 US but her conditioning's was the same. she attended
our prayer meetings and God made her delivered a baby girl.

3. Sister Saffie Kamara: she was a Muslim under high demonic influence
that made her mad. she was brought to our prayer meetings and she was

Tuesday, February 3, 2015


Thank you very much for this great improvement the lord will help us.
pastor Emmannuel